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About ClubFace-Cricket is a cricket social network that connects cricket enthusiasts from all over the world. Part of the Clubface-book Ltd group of social networks, is the destination for cricket lovers to share their passion for the sport, connect with other players, and improve their game.

Founded by Paul McEldon, was established with the goal of creating a community where cricketers could come together to share their love of the sport and support each other in their cricketing journeys. With a focus on building strong relationships and fostering a supportive community, has become the go-to destination for cricketers of all skill levels.

From seasoned pros to beginners, provides a platform for cricketers to connect, share tips, and improve their game. Our site features a wide range of resources and tools to help cricketers and fans improve their game, including timelines, cricket news, results and stories. Cricket clubs can connect with their members and guests, businesses can create pages to promote their products and services, and advertisers can directly target the right people.

Whether you're looking to meet new playing partners, improve your game, or just chat about the latest cricket news, has something for everyone. Join us today and become part of the largest cricket community on the web!